Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) in Ohio

The state-level CSP data only includes practices that had more than four contracts in a state for a particular year. Because of this, the data contained within the state pages will not sum up to the total payments by practice on the national page.

CSP payments by fiscal year in Ohio

CSP payments by county, 2017-2022

Practices and enhancements on CSP acres, 2017-2022, Ohio

1Cropland Annual Payment$25,075,554
2Existing Activity Payment-Resource Concern$1,882,800
3Existing Activity Payment-Land Use$1,660,240
4Pasture Annual Payment$1,465,610
5Non-Industrial Private Forest Land Annual Payment$1,107,544
6Associated Ag Land$919,002
8Establish Monarch butterfly habitat$282,805
9Minimum Payment Adjustment$242,612
10Cover crop to minimize soil compaction$227,720
11Improving nutrient uptake efficiency and reducing risk of nutrient losses to surface water$196,350
12Reduce risks of nutrient losses to surface water by utilizing precision ag technologies$178,542
13Leave standing grain crops unharvested to benefit wildlife food sources$159,524
14Establish Monarch butterfly habitat $140,392
15Reduce ozone precursor emissions related to pesticides by utilizing IPM PAMS techniques$125,746
16Use of multi-species cover crops to improve soil health and increase soil organic matter$90,141
17Reduce risk of pesticides in surface water by utilizing precision pesticide application techniques$84,163
18Reduce risks of nutrient loss to surface water by utilizing precision agriculture technologies $83,334
19Improving nutrient uptake efficiency and reducing risks to air quality - emissions of GHGs$59,115
20Pastured Cropland Annual Payment$47,777
21Cover Crop $46,308
22Cover crop to suppress excessive weed pressures and break pest cycles$43,193
23Improving nutrient uptake efficiency and reducing risk of nutrient losses $39,818
24Forest Stand Improvement to rehabilitate degraded hardwood stands $33,176
25Cover crop to reduce water erosion$27,659
26Supplemental Payment$23,244
27Leave standing grain crops unharvested to benefit wildlife$23,144
28Crop tree management for mast production $20,175
29Tree/shrub planting for wildlife food $19,008
30Reduce risk of pesticides in water and air by utilizing IPM PAMS techniques$18,719
31Crop tree management for mast production$18,246
32Clipping mature forages to set back vegetative growth for improved forage quality $17,707
33Cover crop to minimize soil compaction $15,218
34Conservation cover to provide cover and shelter habitat for pollinators and beneficial insects$14,438
35Stockpiling cool season forage to improve plant productivity and health$13,344
36Enhancement - Nutrient Management$11,473
37Use of multi-species cover crops to improve soil health and increase soil organic matter $11,362
38Snags- den trees- and coarse woody debris for wildlife habitat$11,083
39Conservation cover for pollinators and beneficial insects $10,841
40Conservation cover to provide food habitat for pollinators and beneficial insects$9,923
41Tree/shrub planting for wildlife food$8,457
42Native grasses or legumes in forage base$7,984
43Cover crop to reduce soil erosion $7,002
44Brush management to improve wildlife habitat $4,777
45Pasture and Hay Planting $4,190
46Enhanced field borders to reduce water induced erosion along the edge(s) of a field$3,835
47Enhanced field borders to increase carbon storage along the edge(s) of the field$3,633
48Improved grazing mgmt for plant productivity/health through monitoring$3,541
49Native grasses or legumes in forage base to improve plant productivity and health$3,241
50Snags- den trees- and coarse woody debris for wildlife habitat$3,103
51Conservation cover to provide habitat continuity for pollinators and beneficial insects$3,094
52Conservation Cover $2,454
53Brush management for improved structure and composition$1,642
54Forage plantings that help increase organic matter in depleted soils $1,530
55Stockpiling cool season forage to improve structure and composition or plant productivity and health $1,522
56Brush Management $1,394
57Roof Runoff Structure$1,357
58Harvest of crops (hay or small grains) using measures that allow desired species to flush or escape$1,196
59Maintaining quantity and quality of forage for animal health and productivity$1,136
60Harvest of crops (hay or small grains) using measures that allow desired species to flush or escape$1,059
61Critical Area Planting $1,031
62Brush management that maintains or enhances wildlife or fish habitat$792
63Grassed Waterway $791
64Adding food-producing trees and shrubs to existing plantings$602
65Herbaceous Weed Treatment $582
66Nutrient Management $519
67Herbaceous weed control (plant pest pressures) for desired plant communities/habitats$281
68Field Border $235
69Forage and biomass planting to reduce soil erosion or increase organic matter to build soil health $226
70Tree/Shrub Establishment $202
71Access Control$13
72Upland Wildlife Habitat Management$8
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 Total Payments, 2017-202235,123,986

NRCS 2024 climate smart practice.
NRCS 2024 provisional climate smart practice.

NCRS climate smart practices on CSP acres, 2017-2022, Ohio

1Establish Monarch butterfly habitat $140,392
2Reduce risks of nutrient loss to surface water by utilizing precision agriculture technologies $83,334
3Cover Crop $46,308
4Improving nutrient uptake efficiency and reducing risk of nutrient losses $39,818
5Forest Stand Improvement to rehabilitate degraded hardwood stands $33,176
6Crop tree management for mast production $20,175
7Tree/shrub planting for wildlife food $19,008
8Clipping mature forages to set back vegetative growth for improved forage quality $17,707
9Cover crop to minimize soil compaction $15,218
10Use of multi-species cover crops to improve soil health and increase soil organic matter $11,362
11Conservation cover for pollinators and beneficial insects $10,841
12Cover crop to reduce soil erosion $7,002
13Brush management to improve wildlife habitat $4,777
14Pasture and Hay Planting $4,190
15Conservation Cover $2,454
16Forage plantings that help increase organic matter in depleted soils $1,530
17Stockpiling cool season forage to improve structure and composition or plant productivity and health $1,522
18Brush Management $1,394
19Critical Area Planting $1,031
20Grassed Waterway $791
21Herbaceous Weed Treatment $582
22Nutrient Management $519
23Field Border $235
24Forage and biomass planting to reduce soil erosion or increase organic matter to build soil health $226
25Tree/Shrub Establishment $202
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 Total Climate Smart CSP payments, 2017-2022$463,794
 Climate Smart CSP payments, 2017-2022 $403,690
 Provisional Climate Smart CSP payments, 2017-2022 $60,104

NRCS 2024 climate smart practice.
NRCS 2024 provisional climate smart practice.

CSP payments by county, 2017-2022

RankStateCSP Payments, 2017-2022
1Ross County, Ohio$30,352,198
2Pickaway County, Ohio$14,947,762
3Marion County, Ohio$13,579,454
4Highland County, Ohio$10,607,188
5Defiance County, Ohio$10,539,612
6Wyandot County, Ohio$9,892,312
7Fayette County, Ohio$9,231,956
8Union County, Ohio$8,985,734
9Wood County, Ohio$8,627,944
10Madison County, Ohio$7,873,768
11Williams County, Ohio$7,582,302
12Hardin County, Ohio$7,429,983
13Auglaize County, Ohio$6,347,460
14Seneca County, Ohio$6,213,034
15Mercer County, Ohio$6,128,886
16Allen County, Ohio$5,321,626
17Paulding County, Ohio$5,301,385
18Fulton County, Ohio$4,740,676
19Putnam County, Ohio$4,478,821
20Darke County, Ohio$4,280,148
21Ottawa County, Ohio$4,247,926
22Henry County, Ohio$4,105,037
23Shelby County, Ohio$4,100,806
24Crawford County, Ohio$4,092,563
25Hancock County, Ohio$4,092,160
26Logan County, Ohio$3,620,691
27Sandusky County, Ohio$3,593,960
28Champaign County, Ohio$3,497,840
29Pike County, Ohio$3,101,351
30Fairfield County, Ohio$2,858,126
31Preble County, Ohio$2,598,470
32Van Wert County, Ohio$2,546,473
33Scioto County, Ohio$2,498,799
34Huron County, Ohio$2,218,239
35Morrow County, Ohio$1,765,403
36Miami County, Ohio$1,535,901
37Richland County, Ohio$1,533,815
38Coshocton County, Ohio$1,457,971
39Adams County, Ohio$1,450,124
40Knox County, Ohio$1,257,434
41Clark County, Ohio$1,123,662
42Greene County, Ohio$1,066,658
43Clinton County, Ohio$1,029,501
44Delaware County, Ohio$1,014,761
45Lucas County, Ohio$966,612
46Ashland County, Ohio$809,470
47Erie County, Ohio$799,798
48Brown County, Ohio$784,781
49Montgomery County, Ohio$660,746
50Lorain County, Ohio$636,329
51Jackson County, Ohio$516,199
52Vinton County, Ohio$461,224
53Athens County, Ohio$441,014
54Holmes County, Ohio$418,986
55Perry County, Ohio$396,899
56Licking County, Ohio$393,743
57Butler County, Ohio$364,214
58Hocking County, Ohio$357,251
59Franklin County, Ohio$291,201
60Lawrence County, Ohio$264,969
61Gallia County, Ohio$233,481
62Wayne County, Ohio$210,095
63Washington County, Ohio$177,164
64Tuscarawas County, Ohio$162,117
65Muskingum County, Ohio$161,693
66Warren County, Ohio$161,283
67Medina County, Ohio$114,824
68Meigs County, Ohio$99,448
69Carroll County, Ohio$85,847
70Clermont County, Ohio$84,707
71Morgan County, Ohio$80,423
72Jefferson County, Ohio$73,969
73Harrison County, Ohio$71,834
74Ashtabula County, Ohio$70,625
75Stark County, Ohio$61,369
76Columbiana County, Ohio$57,804
77Trumbull County, Ohio$42,973
78Hamilton County, Ohio$37,522
79Portage County, Ohio$35,769
80Guernsey County, Ohio$18,378
81Mahoning County, Ohio$17,946
82Geauga County, Ohio$4,415
83Summit County, Ohio$3,833
84Lake County, Ohio$0
85Cuyahoga County, Ohio$0
86Belmont County, Ohio$0
87Monroe County, Ohio$0
88Noble County, Ohio$0
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The state-level CSP data only includes practices that had more than four contracts in a state for a particular year. Because of this, the data contained within the state pages will not sum up to the total payments by practice on the national page.


USDA Census of Agriculture Data for Ohio, 2022

Land in Ohio, 2022

Land typeAcres
Number of Farms:76,009
Total Acres in Farms:13,652,346
Cropland Acres:10,521,756
Permanent pasture and rangeland:913,858
Woodland Acres:1,553,468

Livestock in Ohio, 2022

LivestockNumber of Animals
Broilers and other meat-type chickens sold123,982,907
Layers inventory 38,570,322
Hogs and pigs inventory2,752,063
Cattle and calves inventory1,212,468
Sheep and lambs inventory145,381

Crops in Ohio, 2022


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