Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) in Montana

The state-level CSP data only includes practices that had more than four contracts in a state for a particular year. Because of this, the data contained within the state pages will not sum up to the total payments by practice on the national page.

CSP payments by fiscal year in Montana

CSP payments by county, 2017-2022

Practices and enhancements on CSP acres, 2017-2022, Montana

1Cropland Annual Payment$106,916,229
2Rangeland Annual Payment$35,431,448
3Pasture Annual Payment$10,924,736
4Existing Activity Payment-Land Use$4,477,989
5Reduce risk of pesticides in surface water by utilizing IPM PAMS techniques$3,003,396
6Reduce risk of pesticides in surface water by utilizing precision pesticide application techniques$2,071,707
7Existing Activity Payment-Resource Concern$1,472,182
8Non-Industrial Private Forest Land Annual Payment$1,134,716
9Maintaining quantity and quality of forage for animal health and productivity$1,119,485
10Improving nutrient uptake efficiency and reducing risk of nutrient losses to surface water$1,048,663
12Harvest of crops (hay or small grains) using measures that allow desired species to flush or escape$840,685
13Reduce ozone precursor emissions related to pesticides by utilizing IPM PAMS techniques$821,093
14Prescribed grazing that improves or maintains riparian and watershed function-erosion$777,762
15Reduce risks of nutrient losses to surface water by utilizing precision ag technologies$737,122
16Improving nutrient uptake efficiency and reducing risks to air quality - emissions of GHGs$623,809
17Improving nutrient uptake efficiency and reducing risk of nutrient losses to groundwater$567,588
18Improving nutrient uptake efficiency and reducing risk of nutrient losses $548,821
19Reduce risk of pesticides in water and air by utilizing IPM PAMS techniques$544,466
20Leave standing grain crops unharvested to benefit wildlife food sources$466,577
21Pest Management Conservation System$434,499
22Reduce risk of pesticides in surface water by utilizing precision pesticide application techniques$423,234
23Supplemental Payment$416,862
24Modifications to improve soil health and increase soil organic matter$414,338
25Prescribed grazing that improves or maintains riparian and watershed function-erosion $334,822
26Use of body condition scoring for livestock on a monthly basis to keep track of herd health$323,327
27Associated Ag Land$296,191
28Forage harvest management that helps maintain or improve wildlife habitat (cover and shelter)$230,993
29Leave standing grain crops unharvested to benefit wildlife cover and shelter$183,393
30Harvest of crops (hay or small grains) using measures that allow desired species to flush or escape$175,790
31Nutrient Management $141,350
32Manage livestock access to streams/ditches/other waterbodies to reduce nutrients in surface water$139,952
33Improved grazing mgmt for plant productivity/health through monitoring$135,340
34Upland Wildlife Habitat Management$124,438
35Use of multi-species cover crops to improve soil health and increase soil organic matter$122,262
36Conservation cover to provide food habitat for pollinators and beneficial insects$107,389
37Grazing management for improving quantity/quality of plant structure/composition for wildlife$107,138
38Herbaceous weed control (plant pest pressures) for desired plant communities/habitats$99,435
39Conservation cover to provide cover and shelter habitat for pollinators and beneficial insects$96,860
40Management Intensive Rotational Grazing $92,619
41Forage harvest management that helps maintain wildlife habitat continuity (space)$92,377
42Improved grazing management for enhanced plant structure and composition for wildlife$88,792
43Reduce risks of nutrient loss to surface water by utilizing precision agriculture technologies $87,527
44Grazing management that protects sensitive areas from gully erosion$84,661
45Cover Crop $78,849
46Improved crop rotation to provide benefits to pollinators$78,124
47Herbaceous Weed Treatment $77,395
48Enhancement - Soil Management$70,467
49Herbaceous weed treatment to create plant communities consistent with the ecological site $69,276
50Resource conserving crop rotation for soil organic matter improvement$67,588
51Herbaceous weed control (inadequate structure and comp) for desired plant communities/habitats$67,559
52Manage livestock access to waterbodies to reduce nutrients or pathogens to surface water$66,276
53Resource conserving crop rotation $65,078
54Advanced Automated IWM - Year 2-5- Soil moisture is monitored- recorded and used in decision making$61,526
55Prescribed Grazing $59,367
56Minimum Payment Adjustment$57,957
57Implementing Bale or Swath Grazing to increase organic matter and reduce nutrients in surface water $56,492
58Leave standing grain crops unharvested to benefit wildlife$53,166
59Conservation Crop Rotation $48,124
60Forage harvest management that helps maintain wildlife habitat cover- shelter or continuity$46,284
61Irrigation Water Management $46,050
62Use of SHA to assist with development of cover crop mix to improve soil health and increase SOM$44,070
63Pastured Cropland Annual Payment$39,727
64Establish Monarch butterfly habitat$39,462
66Conservation cover to provide habitat continuity for pollinators and beneficial insects$38,259
67Residue and Tillage Management- No Till $35,482
68Tree/shrub planting for wildlife food$34,119
69Grazing management that protects sensitive areas-surface water from nutrients$33,958
70Improved grazing management for plant productivity/health through monitoring$32,983
71Enhanced field border to provide wildlife food for pollinators along the edge(s) of a field$32,714
72Pasture and Hay Planting $32,164
73Enhanced field borders to increase carbon storage along the edge(s) of the field$31,824
74Tree/shrub planting for wildlife cover$30,083
75Forage and biomass planting that produces feedstock for biofuels or energy production$29,485
76Cropland conversion to grass-based agriculture for soil organic matter improvement$28,881
77Enhanced field borders to reduce water induced erosion along the edge(s) of a field$27,580
78Herbaceous weed control for desired plant communities/habitats consistent with the ecological site$20,734
79Grazing management that protects sensitive areas from gully erosion $19,296
80Advanced Automated IWM - Year 1 - Equipment and soil moisture is monitored- recorded and used in dec$19,044
81Cover crop to minimize soil compaction$16,089
82Conservation cover for pollinators and beneficial insects $15,979
83Enhanced field border to provide wildlife habitat continuity along the edge(s) of a field$15,468
84Use of multi-species cover crops to improve soil health and increase soil organic matter $11,772
85Cover crop to suppress excessive weed pressures and break pest cycles$9,982
86Conservation Cover $9,757
87Forage Harvest Management$9,411
88Adding food-producing trees and shrubs to existing plantings$7,749
89Installing electrical fence offsets and wire for cross-fencing to improve grazing management$7,326
90Roof Runoff Structure$5,647
91Improved grazing management that reduces undesirable plant pest pressure through monitoring$5,195
92Tree/Shrub Establishment $3,804
93Livestock Shelter Structure$3,487
94Watering Facility$3,151
95Soil health crop rotation$2,946
96Structures for Wildlife$2,941
97Intensive cover cropping to increase soil health and soil organic matter content$2,911
98Grazing management for improving quantity and quality of cover and shelter for wildlife$2,742
99Complete pumping plant evaluation for all existing pumps on a farm.$1,701
100Brush Management $1,665
101Cropland conversion to grass-based agriculture to reduce soil erosion $1,557
102Reduction of attractants to human-subsidized predators in sensitive wildlife species habitat$1,489
103Critical Area Planting $1,471
104Brush management for improved structure and composition$1,220
105Cover crop to reduce water erosion$1,191
106Access Control$871
107Reduction of attractants to human-subsidized predators in sensitive wildlife species habitat$729
108Conservation crop rotation to reduce the concentration of salts$576
109Field Border $502
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 Total Payments, 2017-2022181,205,881

NRCS 2024 climate smart practice.
NRCS 2024 provisional climate smart practice.

NCRS climate smart practices on CSP acres, 2017-2022, Montana

1Improving nutrient uptake efficiency and reducing risk of nutrient losses $548,821
2Prescribed grazing that improves or maintains riparian and watershed function-erosion $334,822
3Nutrient Management $141,350
4Management Intensive Rotational Grazing $92,619
5Reduce risks of nutrient loss to surface water by utilizing precision agriculture technologies $87,527
6Cover Crop $78,849
7Herbaceous Weed Treatment $77,395
8Herbaceous weed treatment to create plant communities consistent with the ecological site $69,276
9Resource conserving crop rotation $65,078
10Prescribed Grazing $59,367
11Implementing Bale or Swath Grazing to increase organic matter and reduce nutrients in surface water $56,492
12Conservation Crop Rotation $48,124
13Irrigation Water Management $46,050
14Residue and Tillage Management- No Till $35,482
15Pasture and Hay Planting $32,164
16Grazing management that protects sensitive areas from gully erosion $19,296
17Conservation cover for pollinators and beneficial insects $15,979
18Use of multi-species cover crops to improve soil health and increase soil organic matter $11,772
19Conservation Cover $9,757
20Tree/Shrub Establishment $3,804
21Brush Management $1,665
22Cropland conversion to grass-based agriculture to reduce soil erosion $1,557
23Critical Area Planting $1,471
24Field Border $502
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 Total Climate Smart CSP payments, 2017-2022$1,839,219
 Climate Smart CSP payments, 2017-2022 $1,644,833
 Provisional Climate Smart CSP payments, 2017-2022 $194,386

NRCS 2024 climate smart practice.
NRCS 2024 provisional climate smart practice.

CSP payments by county, 2017-2022

RankStateCSP Payments, 2017-2022
1Daniels County, Montana$17,535,331
2Chouteau County, Montana$17,506,453
3Hill County, Montana$14,296,250
4Toole County, Montana$11,886,465
5Teton County, Montana$11,690,028
6McCone County, Montana$11,018,922
7Phillips County, Montana$8,990,388
8Valley County, Montana$8,511,711
9Richland County, Montana$8,319,388
10Roosevelt County, Montana$8,113,050
11Sheridan County, Montana$7,155,184
12Dawson County, Montana$6,765,188
13Cascade County, Montana$6,558,158
14Pondera County, Montana$6,459,038
15Blaine County, Montana$6,155,479
16Liberty County, Montana$5,436,013
17Yellowstone County, Montana$5,085,515
18Golden Valley County, Montana$4,319,998
19Wheatland County, Montana$4,270,950
20Glacier County, Montana$4,247,552
21Rosebud County, Montana$3,835,800
22Stillwater County, Montana$3,201,987
23Musselshell County, Montana$3,173,980
24Fergus County, Montana$2,746,150
25Garfield County, Montana$2,583,705
26Broadwater County, Montana$1,663,459
27Fallon County, Montana$1,626,902
28Prairie County, Montana$1,601,154
29Big Horn County, Montana$1,559,313
30Park County, Montana$1,043,877
31Carter County, Montana$903,124
32Judith Basin County, Montana$836,855
33Madison County, Montana$811,307
34Wibaux County, Montana$624,198
35Jefferson County, Montana$597,947
36Petroleum County, Montana$593,376
37Carbon County, Montana$555,784
38Lewis and Clark County, Montana$401,520
39Gallatin County, Montana$298,080
40Sweet Grass County, Montana$153,046
41Sanders County, Montana$102,200
42Meagher County, Montana$89,073
43Powder River County, Montana$43,432
44Custer County, Montana$28,740
45Flathead County, Montana$26,834
46Lake County, Montana$24,655
47Beaverhead County, Montana$15,443
48Ravalli County, Montana$12,061
49Powell County, Montana$7,458
50Missoula County, Montana$376
51Silver Bow County, Montana$0
52Granite County, Montana$0
53Deer Lodge County, Montana$0
54Treasure County, Montana$0
55Lincoln County, Montana$0
56Mineral County, Montana$0
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The state-level CSP data only includes practices that had more than four contracts in a state for a particular year. Because of this, the data contained within the state pages will not sum up to the total payments by practice on the national page.


USDA Census of Agriculture Data for Montana, 2022

Land in Montana, 2022

Land typeAcres
Number of Farms:24,266
Total Acres in Farms:57,601,320
Cropland Acres:16,069,748
Permanent pasture and rangeland:38,162,444
Woodland Acres:2,617,919

Livestock in Montana, 2022

LivestockNumber of Animals
Cattle and calves inventory2,118,284
Layers inventory 1,235,100
Hogs and pigs inventory230,387
Sheep and lambs inventory197,784
Broilers and other meat-type chickens sold133,389

Crops in Montana, 2022


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