Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) in Louisiana

The state-level CSP data only includes practices that had more than four contracts in a state for a particular year. Because of this, the data contained within the state pages will not sum up to the total payments by practice on the national page.

CSP payments by fiscal year in Louisiana

CSP payments by county, 2017-2022

Practices and enhancements on CSP acres, 2017-2022, Louisiana

1Cropland Annual Payment$101,411,346
2Pasture Annual Payment$8,124,880
3Pastured Cropland Annual Payment$4,696,624
4Non-Industrial Private Forest Land Annual Payment$3,588,809
5Reduce risks of nutrient losses to surface water by utilizing precision ag technologies$3,335,886
6Existing Activity Payment-Land Use$3,160,685
7Reduce risk of pesticides in surface water by utilizing precision pesticide application techniques$2,869,945
8Reduce risk of pesticides in surface water by utilizing IPM PAMS techniques$1,763,033
9Increase riparian forest buffer width to enhance wildlife habitat$1,637,811
10Close structures to capture/retain rainfall to improve food for waterfowl/wading birds during winter$1,456,065
11Supplemental Payment$1,317,890
12Improving nutrient uptake efficiency and reducing risk of nutrient losses to surface water$1,231,515
13Existing Activity Payment-Resource Concern$1,196,152
14Improving nutrient uptake efficiency and reducing risks to air quality - emissions of GHGs$913,325
15Increase stream shading for stream temperature reduction $821,717
16Increase stream shading for stream temperature reduction$695,711
17Pest Management Conservation System$652,922
18Reduce risk of pesticides in water and air by utilizing IPM PAMS techniques$641,143
19Reduce risks of nutrient loss to surface water by utilizing precision agriculture technologies $591,761
20Minimum Payment Adjustment$531,786
21Reduced tillage to increase soil health and soil organic matter content$474,940
22Reduce ozone precursor emissions related to pesticides by utilizing IPM PAMS techniques$448,147
23Improving nutrient uptake efficiency and reducing risk of nutrient losses $442,818
24Extend retention of rainfall to provide food for late winter habitat$415,463
25Provide early successional habitat between first rice crop and ratoon crop-food$414,995
26Modify field operations to reduce particulate matter$390,426
27Associated Ag Land$356,399
28Clipping mature forages to set back vegetative growth for improved forage quality $346,679
29Crop tree management for mast production $268,534
30Controlled traffic farming to reduce compaction$261,408
31Reduced tillage to increase soil health and soil organic matter content $251,712
32Cover Crop $229,941
33Residue and Tillage Management- Reduced Till $229,421
34Reduce risk of pesticides in surface water by utilizing precision pesticide application techniques$228,757
35Summer roosting habitat for native forest-dwelling bat species$217,636
36Snags- den trees- and coarse woody debris for wildlife habitat$216,495
38Summer roosting habitat for native forest-dwelling bat species $190,818
39Reduced tillage to reduce water erosion$183,468
40Close structures to capture and retain rainfall to improve cover and shelter for birds during winter$175,477
41Stockpiling cool season forage to improve structure and composition.$172,013
42Resource conserving crop rotation $168,474
43Reduced tillage to reduce soil erosion $156,947
44Nutrient Management $138,190
45Close structures to capture and retain rainfall for waterfowl and wading bird winter habitat$131,670
46Improving nutrient uptake efficiency and reducing risk of nutrient losses to groundwater$89,373
47Cover crop to reduce water erosion$84,863
48Cover crop to suppress excessive weed pressures and break pest cycles$83,833
49Reduce forest stand density to create open stand structure $83,774
50Sequential patch burning$77,575
51Irrigation Water Management $70,180
52Use of multi-species cover crops to improve soil health and increase soil organic matter$68,537
53Conservation Crop Rotation $65,211
54Cover crop to reduce soil erosion $64,334
55Manipulate vegetation on fields where rainfall is to be captured and retained-food$58,817
56Rangeland Annual Payment$58,113
57Snags- den trees- and coarse woody debris for wildlife habitat$58,029
58Herbaceous weed control for desired plant communities/habitats consistent with the ecological site$57,794
59Herbaceous weed treatment to create plant communities consistent with the ecological site $56,255
60Prescribed Grazing $55,286
61Reduction of attractants to human-subsidized predators in sensitive wildlife species habitat$51,136
62Reduction of attractants to human-subsidized predators in sensitive wildlife species habitat$50,620
63Improving nutrient uptake efficiency and reducing risk of nutrient losses on pasture $45,885
64Cover crop to suppress excessive weed pressures and break pest cycles $44,985
65Conservation cover to provide food habitat for pollinators and beneficial insects$43,677
66Intensive cover cropping to increase soil health and soil organic matter content $41,861
67Forest Stand Improvement $39,863
68Leave standing grain crops unharvested to benefit wildlife food sources$38,451
69Maintaining and improving forest soil quality$31,642
70Herbaceous Weed Treatment $30,208
71Forage harvest management that helps maintain or improve wildlife habitat (cover and shelter)$30,000
72Forage harvest management that helps maintain wildlife habitat cover- shelter or continuity$29,811
73Harvest of crops (hay or small grains) using measures that allow desired species to flush or escape$21,120
74Cover crop to reduce water quality degradation by utilizing excess soil nutrients-surface water$21,064
75Reduced tillage to increase plant-available moisture: irrigation water$20,872
76Leave standing grain crops unharvested to benefit wildlife$20,018
77Tree/shrub planting for wildlife food $18,369
78Establish Monarch butterfly habitat $16,748
79Improved grazing mgmt for plant productivity/health through monitoring$15,494
80Cover crop to minimize soil compaction $15,140
81Leave standing grain crops unharvested to benefit wildlife cover and shelter$14,445
82Use of multi-species cover crops to improve soil health and increase soil organic matter $14,410
83Harvest of crops (hay or small grains) using measures that allow desired species to flush or escape$13,517
84Forage Harvest Management$12,218
85Establishing native grass or legumes in forage base to improve the plant community$11,032
86Creating structural diversity with patch openings $10,651
87Upland Wildlife Habitat Management$9,465
88Conservation cover for pollinators and beneficial insects $8,612
89Reduce forest density and manage understory along roads to limit wildfire risk and improve habitat$8,445
90Herbaceous weed control (plant pest pressures) for desired plant communities/habitats$7,484
91Cover crop to minimize soil compaction$7,452
92Brush Management $5,275
93Shallow Water Development and Management$4,704
94Conservation cover to provide habitat continuity for pollinators and beneficial insects$3,315
95Pasture and Hay Planting $3,183
96Tree/Shrub Establishment $2,317
97Riparian Forest Buffer $1,732
98Grade Stabilization Structure$1,666
99Enhancement - Habitat Management$1,512
100Conservation Cover $1,141
101Enhancement - Nutrient Management$1,131
102Adding food-producing trees and shrubs to existing plantings$357
103Enhancement - Grazing Management$246
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 Total Payments, 2017-2022150,661,813

NRCS 2024 climate smart practice.
NRCS 2024 provisional climate smart practice.

NCRS climate smart practices on CSP acres, 2017-2022, Louisiana

1Increase stream shading for stream temperature reduction $821,717
2Reduce risks of nutrient loss to surface water by utilizing precision agriculture technologies $591,761
3Improving nutrient uptake efficiency and reducing risk of nutrient losses $442,818
4Clipping mature forages to set back vegetative growth for improved forage quality $346,679
5Crop tree management for mast production $268,534
6Reduced tillage to increase soil health and soil organic matter content $251,712
7Cover Crop $229,941
8Residue and Tillage Management- Reduced Till $229,421
9Summer roosting habitat for native forest-dwelling bat species $190,818
10Resource conserving crop rotation $168,474
11Reduced tillage to reduce soil erosion $156,947
12Nutrient Management $138,190
13Reduce forest stand density to create open stand structure $83,774
14Irrigation Water Management $70,180
15Conservation Crop Rotation $65,211
16Cover crop to reduce soil erosion $64,334
17Herbaceous weed treatment to create plant communities consistent with the ecological site $56,255
18Prescribed Grazing $55,286
19Improving nutrient uptake efficiency and reducing risk of nutrient losses on pasture $45,885
20Cover crop to suppress excessive weed pressures and break pest cycles $44,985
21Intensive cover cropping to increase soil health and soil organic matter content $41,861
22Forest Stand Improvement $39,863
23Herbaceous Weed Treatment $30,208
24Tree/shrub planting for wildlife food $18,369
25Establish Monarch butterfly habitat $16,748
26Cover crop to minimize soil compaction $15,140
27Use of multi-species cover crops to improve soil health and increase soil organic matter $14,410
28Creating structural diversity with patch openings $10,651
29Conservation cover for pollinators and beneficial insects $8,612
30Brush Management $5,275
31Pasture and Hay Planting $3,183
32Tree/Shrub Establishment $2,317
33Riparian Forest Buffer $1,732
34Conservation Cover $1,141
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 Total Climate Smart CSP payments, 2017-2022$4,532,432
 Climate Smart CSP payments, 2017-2022 $3,776,874
 Provisional Climate Smart CSP payments, 2017-2022 $755,558

NRCS 2024 climate smart practice.
NRCS 2024 provisional climate smart practice.

CSP payments by county, 2017-2022

RankStateCSP Payments, 2017-2022
1Concordia Parish, Louisiana$22,367,404
2West Carroll Parish, Louisiana$16,361,455
3Tensas Parish, Louisiana$14,233,181
4Franklin Parish, Louisiana$13,753,504
5Madison Parish, Louisiana$13,613,908
6Catahoula Parish, Louisiana$13,494,026
7Richland Parish, Louisiana$11,111,661
8Caldwell Parish, Louisiana$8,075,088
9East Carroll Parish, Louisiana$7,899,730
10Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana$6,313,593
11Morehouse Parish, Louisiana$6,054,768
12Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana$4,139,604
13Rapides Parish, Louisiana$1,894,009
14Red River Parish, Louisiana$1,794,456
15Ouachita Parish, Louisiana$1,750,679
16Saint Landry Parish, Louisiana$1,433,000
17Evangeline Parish, Louisiana$815,840
18Beauregard Parish, Louisiana$722,356
19Grant Parish, Louisiana$489,870
20East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana$481,014
21West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana$354,807
22La Salle Parish, Louisiana$155,261
23De Soto Parish, Louisiana$89,621
24Caddo Parish, Louisiana$82,580
25Jefferson Davis, Louisiana$80,546
26Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana$71,437
27Allen Parish, Louisiana$69,660
28Vernon Parish, Louisiana$62,904
29Washington Parish, Louisiana$62,340
30Bossier Parish, Louisiana$61,419
31Saint Helena Parish, Louisiana$47,301
32Iberville Parish, Louisiana$38,559
33Winn Parish, Louisiana$33,610
34Saint Martin Parish, Louisiana$17,210
35Sabine Parish, Louisiana$8,360
36East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana$7,596
37Bienville Parish, Louisiana$4,569
38West Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana$1,431
39Acadia Parish, Louisiana$1,416
40Iberia Parish, Louisiana$565
41Livingston Parish, Louisiana$242
42Cameron Parish, Louisiana$0
43Saint Mary Parish, Louisiana$0
44Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana$0
45Union Parish, Louisiana$0
46Vermilion Parish, Louisiana$0
47Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana$0
48Webster Parish, Louisiana$0
49Assumption Parish, Louisiana$0
50Ascension Parish, Louisiana$0
51Claiborne Parish, Louisiana$0
52Saint Tammany Parish, Louisiana$0
53Saint John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana$0
54Saint James Parish, Louisiana$0
55Saint Charles Parish, Louisiana$0
56Jackson Parish, Louisiana$0
57Lafayette Parish, Louisiana$0
58Lafourche Parish, Louisiana$0
59Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana$0
60Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana$0
61Lincoln Parish, Louisiana$0
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The state-level CSP data only includes practices that had more than four contracts in a state for a particular year. Because of this, the data contained within the state pages will not sum up to the total payments by practice on the national page.


USDA Census of Agriculture Data for Louisiana, 2022

Land in Louisiana, 2022

Land typeAcres
Number of Farms:25,006
Total Acres in Farms:7,986,381
Cropland Acres:4,303,687
Permanent pasture and rangeland:1,440,261
Woodland Acres:1,300,657

Livestock in Louisiana, 2022

LivestockNumber of Animals
Broilers and other meat-type chickens sold135,838,909
Layers inventory 3,336,175
Cattle and calves inventory730,491
Sheep and lambs inventory14,200
Hogs and pigs inventory5,124

Crops in Louisiana, 2022


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